Category: Dental implantology

Benefits of post extraction and immediate loading implants

Implantology is one of the most demanded services by our patients, which is why at Advance Dental Institute we have developed the technique of post-extraction implants and immediate loading. Do you want to know what they consist of and what their benefits are? We tell you everything in this post. The loss of a dental

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Is a dental implant painful?

One of the things that worries the patient the most when having an implant is pain. At Advance we understand that this is one of the biggest fears when performing an intervention of this type. However, we are happy to tell you that in most cases, the fears are unfounded. If you wonder if a

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prótesis fija o removible

Fixed or removable prosthesis: which one is better?

One of the main doubts when we have to face a dental restoration treatment is whether it is better to bet on a fixed or removable prosthesis. Which alternative will be more convenient, simple or comfortable for the patient? We will try to explain the main points of each of them along these lines. At

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